Pumpkin Spice Creamer Recipe

By Tyler Workman

Pumpkin Spice Creamer Recipe

Although we are usually purists when it comes to coffee, drinking our coffee black almost exclusively, there is something about the holiday season, and the flavors that come with it, that make us want to pair our coffee with a delicious seasonal recipe!

If you’re a fan of pumpkin spice but could do without the artificial flavors, we have the perfect pumpkin spice creamer recipe for you! The ingredients can be found at almost any grocery store, it’s simple to make, and can be refrigerated and used over a number of days!

This is the recipe we like best, but feel free to adjust it to taste! We like to use organic ingredients for an all natural creamer, but feel free to use conventional ingredients if you like.


  • 1 pint or 2 cups Half & Half (Organic) *You can also use milk or a non-dairy alternative like oat or almond milk
  • 5 oz Pumpkin Puree (about 1/3 of a 15 oz can) (Organic)
  • 3 Tbsp Pumpkin Spice (Organic)
  • 2 Tbsp Dark Agave Nectar (Organic) *You can use any sweetener or no sweetener at all


  1. In a medium sized saucepan, pour 1 pint or 2 cups of Half & Half and heat over medium heat for about 3 minutes stirring occasionally
  2. Next add 5 oz, or about 1/3 of a can of pumpkin puree and stir in
  3. Next add 3 Tbsp (you can use more or less if you like) of pumpkin spice and stir in
  4. Next add 2 Tbsp of Dark Agave Nectar and stir in
  5. Continue heating for a total of 8 minutes over medium heat, then lower the heat to low for an additional 2 minutes stirring often.
  6. Remove from heat
  7. Pour into a heat-proof glass bottle or cool to room temperature and pour into a container with lid


    You can use the creamer immediately or you can refrigerate for later use. Enjoy within 1 week.

    Add a few teaspoons of this creamer to your hot or iced coffee, stir and enjoy!

    Top with whipped cream and dusting of pumpkin spice and /or garnish with a cinnamon stick.

    * One additional step we like to take after the creamer has cooled in the refrigerator is to strain the mixture using a medium fine to fine strainer since the pumpkin spice will absorb some of the liquid and become a little jelly-like in texture.

    This recipe is a big hit after Thanksgiving dinner!

    We absolutely LOVE this recipe with our single origin Rwanda Gasharu because the brown sugar and chai tasting notes blend perfectly with the pumpkin spice. Our Rwanda Gasharu is a limited edition single origin coffee and is only available while supplies last.


    Recommended KAHA coffees to pair with this recipe: Single Origin Rwanda Gasharu, Happy Medium Blend, Kia Kaha Blend

    Stock up on our entire line of coffees HERE!



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